Learn how Exponent Investment Management ranks on key investment factors to determine if the company is right for your portfolio.
Stock evaluation requires access to huge amounts of data and the knowledge and time to sift through it all, making sense of financial ratios and income statements and analyzing recent stock movement. AAII created A+ Investor to streamline the process and give investors a powerful tool that allows them to quickly assess whether a particular stock is right for their goals, risk tolerance and allocation.
Understanding Market Volatility: A Guide for Investors
For example, the firm’s investments in the Irish economy include BostockWhite, an accounting and tax advisory firm based in Sligo; H&MV Engineering, a specialist in high voltage electrical engineering, and Ethos Engineering, which provides energy efficiency and water infrastructure solutions. More recently, Exponent took a minority stake in Kingsbridge Healthcare Group (KHG), which provides surgical and diagnostic services through four hospitals and 11 medical centres in Belfast and Ballykelly, Northern Ireland and Sligo, Republic of Ireland. The deal was backed by Pemberton Asset Management.
Exponent also has a strong presence in the capital markets, and one of its first international private equity funds took advantage of Ireland’s new limited partnership laws by setting up an office on Merrion Square. A number of its team members are Irish: managing partner Richard Lenane hails from Belfast; head of fund reporting is Sharon O’Keeffe, who is from Kerry; and dealmaker Shane Farragher is from Galway. The firm has also invested in branded media and sports, including buying the Ambassador Theatre Group, owner of West End and Broadway venues for musicals such as Wicked.…